মঙ্গলবার, ৩০ জুন, ২০১৫

question: Ruling on helping someone who has repented from riba/interest/usury -based transactions by paying off his loan

210485: Ruling on helping someone who has repented from riba/interest/usury -based transactions by paying off his loan

Is it permissible for me to pay off loans based on riba, as an act of charity to those who regret having gotten involved in interest? Or is it not permissible to pay off anything except the principal of the loan and not the riba?
Praise be to Allah.
If a person has repented from riba-based transactions, has resolved not to go back to them and regrets having done that, but he cannot avoid paying this interest, because the system obliges him to pay off the loans with the interest, otherwise he will be arrested and put in prison, then there is nothing wrong with helping him to pay off this debt and the resulting interest, and there is no sin on the one who helps him to do that, because this is helping to relieve a Muslim of distress. 
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever relieves a Muslim of distress, Allah will relieve him of distress on the Day of Resurrection.
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2442) and Muslim (2580). 
And because every time there is a delay in paying off the debt, the interest accumulates further. 
The scholars have stated that if a person who is in debt for something haraam repents to Allah, there is nothing wrong with giving him zakaah funds to pay off his debts. 
Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 
Question: if a person is in debt for something haraam, can we give him zakaah?
Answer: If he has repented, we may give him, otherwise we do not give him,  because this comes under the heading of helping him with something haraam, hence if we gave to him, he would take out another loan.
End quote from ash-Sharh al-Mumti‘, 6/235 
Dr. ‘Umar Sulaymaan al-Ashqar said: If a person has got into debt by way of riba, it is not permissible to pay off his debt from zakaah funds allocated for debtors, unless he has repented and given up dealing in riba.
End quote from Abhaath al-Nadwah al-Khaamisah li Qadaayaa az-Zakaah al-Mu‘aasirah, p.210 
But in the case of one who has not repented from riba-based transactions, and only wants to solve his problem, and if his debt was paid off, he would not mind going back to dealing in riba again, then it is not permissible to help such a person to pay off his debt, because that comes under the heading of helping him in sin and transgression, which is not permissible. 
And Allah knows best.

question: Living in an apartment that his father bought by riba/interest/usury

105827: Living in an apartment that his father bought by riba

My father deals with riba and has been withholding zakaah for 25 years, up till now, despite being told all this time that it is haraam. He has bought me a splendid apartment so that I can get married, and I suggested to him that I could live in the apartment by paying rent, so that I will not be using something that is haraam, but he vehemently refused that, so I am refusing to get married, so that I will not be a cause of increasing his sin. Is what I did right?
Praise be to Allah
Riba is a major sin and a serious crime, and the one who deals in it is warned of a declaration of war from Allah and His Messenger, loss of blessing, and curses. A sin that is like this is something that one should flee from and keep far away from it by all possible means. 
Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“Allah will destroy Riba (usury) and will give increase for Sadaqat (deeds of charity, alms, etc.) And Allah likes not the disbelievers, sinners”
[al-Baqarah 2:276]
“O you who believe! Fear Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from Riba (usury) (from now onward), if you are (really) believers.
And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allah and His Messenger but if you repent, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly (by asking more than your capital sums), and you shall not be dealt with unjustly (by receiving less than your capital sums)”
[al-Baqarah 2:278-279].  
Muslim (1598) narrated that Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba and the one who pays it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it, and he said: they are all the same. 
The interest that is paid by riba-based banks is the very essence of riba. If a person is compelled by necessity to keep his money in a riba-based bank, then he should keep it in a current account. If a person has repented from dealing in riba and he receives any interest payments, it is obligatory for him to get rid of it by spending it on charitable causes, and it is not permissible for him to keep it for himself. 
Withholding zakaah is also a major sin, but despite that it is not haraam to interact with a person who withholds zakaah or to accept his gift, because zakaah is a debt that he owes, but his wealth is not like the wealth that was seized by force or stolen, which it is haraam to take for the one who knows that it is stolen. 
The correct scholarly view is that that which is haraam because of the way in which it is acquired is only haraam for the one who acquired it in that manner, and it is not haraam for the one who takes it from him in a way that is permissible, such as receiving it as a gift and the like. 
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 
Some of the scholars said: With regard to that which is haraam because of the way in which it is acquired, the sin thereof is borne only by the one who acquired it in that manner, not by the one who takes it from him in a permissible manner. This is in contrast to that which is haraam in and of itself, such as alcohol, property that was seized by force, and the like. This is a strong view, based on the evidence that the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) bought food from the Jews for his family, and he ate from the sheep that was given to him as a gift by the Jewish woman in Khaybar, and he accepted the invitation of a Jewish man, and it is well-known that most of the Jews take riba (usury) and deal in haraam wealth. This view may be further strengthened by the fact that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said concerning the meat that was given in charity to Bareerah (and she gave some of it to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)): “For her it is charity and for us it is a gift.”
End quote from al-Qawl al-Mufeed ‘ala Kitaab at-Tawheed (3/122) 
He also said:
With regard to that which is haraam because of the way in which it is acquired, such as that which is taken by way of bribes, or by way of riba, or by way of lying, and the like, it is haraam for the one who  acquired it in that manner, but it is not haraam for the one who acquires it from him in a permissible manner. This is supported by the fact that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to deal with the Jews even though they used to consume haraam wealth and take riba. This indicates that it is not haraam for anyone other than the one who acquired it by haraam means.
End quote from Tafseer Soorat al-Baqarah (1/198) 
Based on that, if a father buys an apartment for his son with riba money, there is nothing wrong with the child making use of it, because the sin of riba is only on the one who acquired it in that manner. 
It may be said to the son in this case: If your refusal to live in this apartment will not have any impact by making your father give up riba – rather it will only make him angry and sad, and he will carry on with that – then there is nothing wrong with you getting married and living in that apartment. 
If a person deals in riba then repents to Allah, may He be exalted, if the riba wealth is still there, then he has to rid himself of it, but if he has used it up and consumed it, then he does not have to do anything with regard to it. 
If he put that money into accommodation that he needs, he does not have to sell it and get rid of the riba, unless he chooses to do so himself, which is undoubtedly better. This is by way of making it easy to repent for those who have committed sins, because if they were to be told: Get rid of whatever you possess of everything that you purchased by means of riba, that would cause them hardship and would cause many of them to delay repentance. 
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: A man may live for a long time without praying or giving zakaah, or fasting, and not caring how he acquires his wealth, whether it is from halaal or haraam sources, and not following the guidelines on marriage and divorce, and so on, so he is living in a state of ignorance, apart from the fact that he claims to be a Muslim. When Allah guides him and has mercy upon him by enabling him to repent, if he were obliged to make up all that he had missed of obligatory duties, and if he were to be ordered to return everything that he had acquired of wealth, and to give up everything that he loves, and so on, repentance would become a punishment for him, and in that case disbelief would be dearer to him than Islam, which he has identified with, because repentance from disbelief would be a mercy but repentance when he is already a Muslim would be a punishment. I know some righteous people who wished that they had been disbelievers so that they could become Muslims and be forgiven for all their previous misdeeds, because repentance for them was impossible or too difficult, according to what they had been told about repentance and what they believed about it. Moreover, this deters most of those who commit evil deeds from repenting, and it is more like causing the people to despair of the mercy of Allah, and placing a heavy burden on those who repent, who are the loved ones of Allah, for Allah loves those who repent and He loves those who purify themselves, and Allah rejoices over the repentance of His slave more than the one who finds his property in which is his means of survival after having despaired of ever finding it again. 
End quote from Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa (22/21) 
Our advice to this son is to continue honouring his father and reminding him of the prohibition on riba and the obligation to hasten to give it up. He should also hasten to get married so long as he is able to do so, so as to protect himself and guard against temptation.
We ask Allah, may He be exalted, to set straight the affairs of all. 
And Allah knows best.

question: Some types of haraam transactions

103149: Some types of haraam transactions

What are the types of haraam transactions? Please quote the evidence for that.
Praise be to Allaah.
There are many types of haraam transactions, and it is not possible to list them all in this brief answer. On our website, in the section on haraam transactions you will find many of these transactions. 
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) mentioned a useful principle concerning this matter, which will help one to understand the issue and by referring to it the issue will become clear. 
He (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa (29/22): 
The second principle concerning contracts, both halaal and haraam: the basic principle in this regard is that Allah has forbidden us in His Book to eat up one another’s property unjustly (cf. 2:188); He condemned the rabbis and monks who ate up the people’s wealth unjustly; He condemned the Jews for consuming usury (riba) when they had been forbidden to do so, and for eating up the people’s wealth unjustly. This includes everything that is eaten up or consumed unjustly in transactions and donations, and whatever is taken without consent. 
Eating up or consuming wealth unjustly in transactions is of two types, which Allah mentioned in His Book. They are usury (riba) and gambling. 
The prohibition on usury, which is the opposite of charity, is mentioned at the end of Soorat al-Baqarah, Soorat Aal ‘Imraan and ar-Room. The Jews are condemned for it in Soorat an-Nisa’, and the prohibition on gambling is mentioned in Soorat al-Maa’idah. 
Then the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) explained in detail that which Allah had mentioned in general terms in His Book. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) forbade ambiguous transactions, as was narrated by Muslim and others from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him). Ambiguous transactions are those of which the outcome is unknown, which leads to the same negative outcomes as gambling, namely enmity and resentment, in addition to consuming wealth unlawfully, which is a type of oppression or wrongdoing. Ambiguous transactions involve wrongdoing, enmity and resentment. 
As for usury, the prohibition on it in the Qur’an is more emphatic. Hence Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from Riba (usury) (from now onward), if you are (really) believers.
And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allah and His Messenger”
[al-Baqarah 2:278-279]
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) included it among the major sins, as was narrated in as-Saheehayn from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him). Allah stated that some good things that had been permitted to the Jews became forbidden to them because of their wrongdoing, their preventing people from following the path of Allah, and their consuming people’s wealth unlawfully. And He, may He be glorified and exalted, said that He will destroy riba (usury) as He gives increase for charity (cf. 2:276). Both matters are tried, tested and true in people’s experience. End quote. 
So the basic principle is that any transaction that includes either of these two forbidden matters – usury (riba) or gambling – or that is a trick to get around the prohibition on these two things, comes under the heading of haraam transactions. 
Examples of transactions that are haraam because of usury (riba) include: ‘Eenah transaction [which means to sell something for a price to be paid at a later date, then to buy it back for a lower price to be paid immediately]; selling debts; combining a sale contract with a loan; and the like. 
Examples of transactions that are haraam because of gambling include: sales of unknown items; and sales of things that one cannot deliver. 
See the answer to question no. 105339 
And Allah knows best.

question: job in companies related to ribaa/interest/usury

11315: He works as an accountant in a company where he writes down the calculations for ribaa/interest/usury

An accountant works balancing the books for a company. He writes down the figures and calculates the expenses and profits, etc… Among the figures which the accountant write down is the amount of interest – in figures – which the company takes from the bank in return for the balance in their account. He does not deposit anything in the bank and he does not ask the bank for the ribaa (interest). But he calculates all the figures for the company – only by writing them down – such as wages etc. and the price of raw materials, and this figure is included in that. Is simply writing down this figure in the final statement haraam?

Praise be to Allaah. 
We put this question to Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen, may Allaah preserve him, who replied:
  Yes (it is haraam), because it is included in the general meaning of the hadeeth: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes ribaa, the one who gives it, the two who witness it and the one who writes it down.”
  And Allaah knows best.

108105: Working in an audit firm reviewing accounts which involve riba, insurance and taxes

I am working as a trainee in an audit firm. The purpose of an audit is to check the financial statements prepared by companies and report whether they present a true and fair view. In order to achieve this purpose we have to check the financial records from which the financial statements have been prepared and also the accounting process and calculations carried out by companies. These companies are involved in activities such as obtaining interest-based loans, having insurance and paying tax. Such activities exist in all kinds of companies even if their business itself is halal e.g. manufacturing companies. This means that we are obliged to check the accounting for interest, insurance and tax, without which we cannot give our report. My question is, is it lawful to perform audit?.
Praise be to Allaah.
It is not permissible to audit riba-based accounts, because that involves approving of riba, writing it down and keeping silent about it. Muslim narrated in his Saheeh (1598) that Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba and the one who pays it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it, and he said: they are all the same. 
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked:  
In the office of a legal accountant, we check the financial statements of institutions and companies, based on the company’s books, with the aim of submitting the results at the end of the financial year in the form of budgets and reports about the company’s financial situation, to be presented through the institution to a government department or bank, or to the zakaah and income departments. During the year we also keep watch on the finances of the institution to guard against tampering and embezzlement. I have a number of questions which I hope that you can answer: 
In some cases, I may see details of their accounts and dealings with the banks. These accounts show debt i.e., the companies are required to produce them in order to get a loan from this bank or as the result of withdrawing more than they have in their account, which results in the bank charging interest for that, i.e. riba. The nature of our work involves showing this account with the others in the budget. That is based on the company’s books and bank accounts, and we cannot exclude it from the rest of the accounts. It has to be shown in order for the budget to be regarded as showing the real situation of the company. Is there any sin on us in that, and are we regarded as those who witness riba? 
They replied: 
It is not permissible for you to be an accountant because of what you have mentioned in your question, because that involves cooperating in sin and transgression. End quote. 
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (15/20) 
Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Razzaaq ‘Afeefi, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ghadyaan.  
So you should look for work where you will not have to deal with accounts of riba. 
With regard to insurance and taxes, if they are compulsory, then there is nothing wrong with calculating and auditing them, because the one who pays them is excused for doing so. 
We ask Allaah to make easy for you the means of earning halaal provision and to bless it for you. 
And Allaah knows best.

118189: Working in auditing offices when there is riba in the companies’ accounts

What is the ruling on working in auditing offices, knowing that the job of the auditor is to check the company's accounts and budgets which may contain records of bank accounts or interest (riba), but he is not the one who wrote these accounts or dealt with them at all; rather he is only reviewing or checking them? All of that is for the purpose of issuing a report on the extent to which this organisation is adhering to international guidelines with regard to the outcome of its activities and to issue financial records.
Praise be to Allaah.
It is not permissible to review or audit riba-based accounts, because that involves recording riba and remaining silent about it and approving it. Muslim narrated in his Saheeh (1598) that Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba and the one who pays it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it, and he said: they are all the same. 
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked: I have a legal accounting business, in which we review the financial statements of institutions and companies, from the accounting records kept by the company. The purpose is to show the results of the review at the end of the financial year in the form of budgets and reports on the financial situation of the company, so that it may be submitted via the company to one of the government departments or banks or to the Department of zakaah and income. Similarly, throughout the year we keep an eye on the company’s finances so as to guard against tampering and fraud. I have some questions which I hope that you will answer: 
1-     When reviewing the company’s books, I may see some of the accounts that the company have with the banks, and these accounts may show loans, i.e., the company owes money as a result of getting a loan from the bank or as a result of being overdrawn, which means that the bank starts charging interest on that, i.e., riba. The nature of our work is to show these figures alongside other items in the budget, and this is based on the books and records of the company, and bank statements, and we cannot omit it from the other accounts; we have to show it so that the budget reflects the real situation of the company. Is there any sin on us for that, and are we regarded as witnesses to riba?  
They replied: It is not permissible for you to be an accountant dealing with what you mentioned in the question, as that involves cooperating in sin and transgression. End quote. 
Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Razzaaq ‘Afeefi, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ghadyaan. 
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 15/20 
They were also asked: What is meant by the one who writes down riba in the hadeeth of Jaabir which was narrated by Muslim, where it says that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba and the one who pays it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it, and he said: they are all the same? Is the one who writes down riba the one who recorded it at the time only, or can it be someone else who has nothing to do with the riba-dealing institution, except that as an accountant he adds and subtracts figures in other books, apart from the riba documents, as he is obliged to do that? Is that accountant regarded as writing down riba, or does this phrase apply only to the one who writes it down at the time and no one else, and does the curse not extend to anyone else? 
They replied: The hadeeth of the curse on the one who writes down riba is general in meaning and includes the writer of the original document, the one who copies it if it wears out, the one who writes the figure in accounting books and the accountant who works out the rate of interest and adds it to the original amount or sends it to the one who deposited it, and so on. And Allaah is the source of strength; may Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and Companions. End quote. 
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (15/5).  
You should note that the ways of earning halaal provision are many, so seek and strive, and beware of consuming haraam wealth, for every body that is nourished from haraam sources, the Fire is more befitting for it. 
We ask Allaah to help and guide us and you. 
And Allaah knows best.

Question: Riba is haraam for the one who takes it and the one who pays it, and it is haraam to help with it in any way whatsoever

202904: Riba/interest/usury is haraam for the one who takes it and the one who pays it, and it is haraam to help with it in any way whatsoever

In one of the questions on your website you stated that working in an auditing office that deals with customers who are involved in some riba-based transactions is not permissible, and you quoted the hadeeth of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) in which he cursed four categories of people, including the two who witness riba and the one who writes it down. But some commentators on the hadeeth, such as al-Haafiz ibn Hajar, said: This only applies to the one who helps the one who is engaging in riba; as for the one who writes it down or witnesses what happens so as to ensure the rights of both parties, his intentions are good and he is not subject to the warning mentioned; rather it applies only to the one who helps the one who engages in riba by writing it down and witnessing it. In the commentary of al-Abi on Saheeh Muslim, it says: What is meant by the one who writes it down is the one who writes the document, and what is meant by the one who witnesses it is the one who witnesses it and supports the deal. They are equally subject to the curse because the contract cannot be done except with all of them.
What is the evidence for the view of the scholars (apart from Ibn Baaz) that the hadeeth is general in meaning and applies to all of them, those who help and those who do not?
Praise be to Allah.
Auditing the accounts of customers who deal with riba is haraam work, because it involves approving of riba, writing it down, and keeping quiet about it and not denouncing it. 
Please see the answers to questions no. 108105118189 and 175492
Muslim (1598) narrated that Jaabir said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba and the one who pays it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it, and he said: they are all the same. 
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 
That is, (they are all the same) in terms of being cursed, because they co-operated in that.
End quote from Fataawa Noor ‘ala ad-Darb, 16/2 
Imam al-Bukhaari (may Allah have mercy on him) referred to this hadeeth that was narrated by Imam Muslim in the title which he gave to a chapter of his Saheeh, which he called: Chapter on the one who consumes riba, the one who witnesses it and the one who writes it down. 
Then he quoted two hadeeths in this chapter, one of which was the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah: When the last part of al-Baqarah was revealed, the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) recited it, then he forbade trade in alcohol. The second hadeeth is the hadeeth of Samurah, according to which the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Last night, I dreamt that two men came to me and took me out to a sacred land, then we set out until we came to a river of blood in which a man was standing, and on the bank of the river there was another man in front of whom were some rocks. The man who was in the river came, and when he wanted to get out, the (other) man threw a rock in his mouth, and sent him back to where he had been. Every time he came and wanted to get out, he threw a rock into his mouth and sent him back to where he had been. I said: ‘What is this?’ He said: ‘The one who you saw in the river is the one who consumed riba.’ 
Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 
Ibn at-Teen said: There is no mention in these two hadeeths of the one who writes down riba and the one who witnesses it. My response is that he mentioned them by implication because they help the one who consumes it to do so. This only applies to the one who helps the one who is engaging in riba. As for the one who writes it down or who witnesses the deal in order to tell exactly what happened, this is a good intention and is not included in the warning mentioned. Rather what is included is the one who helps the one who is engaging in riba by writing it down and witnessing it; his status is the same as that of the one who says Trading is only like Riba (usury)” [al-Baqarah 2:275]. End quote. 
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 
The one who helps another to commit sin will incur a burden of sin as much as he deserves. It is proven that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba, the one who pays it, the two who witness it and the one who writes it down, because the two witnesses and the one who writes it down are helping to confirm this transaction, so they incur whatever they deserve of the curse. 
End quote from al-Liqa’ ash-Shahri, 35/24 
In fact what we have previously affirmed on our website does not differ in the slightest from what we have quoted here and what the questioner has quoted from al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar or from al-Abi (may Allah have mercy on them both). 
Auditing bank accounts or the accounts of riba-based companies comes under the heading of helping in the haraam riba transaction and participating in it; it is not possible to complete riba-based deals without the help of accountants. 
But there remain these two forms that are not included in haraam writing down or witnessing: 
Where one witnesses or writes down the deal in order to document it and testify to the involvement of the people who are party to it, as was mentioned by al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him). This is like one who sees a crime such as murder or theft taking place, so he takes pictures, or he writes down what happened, so that he may give testimony concerning it before the judge and help to catch the perpetrator and help justice. This person has nothing to do with the criminal act and therefore has nothing to do with the perpetrator. And he is not helping with the sin or crime in any way whatsoever; rathe, in fact he was striving to change evil and establish justice to the best of his ability. 
This is what al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) was referring to, and in our previous answers we were not suggesting that this kind of action is haraam; rather it is something that is Islamically prescribed and is necessary.
Where a person or company or accounts department enters into a transaction with another person or company or firm that deals with riba or other haraam transactions, but the first party has nothing to do with its haraam actions; rather he or they are dealing with them within the limits of permissible transactions and contracts. 
For example, the company may be dealing with riba-based transactions, but my job is supervising a permissible project that does not involve any riba-based transactions, or their riba-based transactions are between them and the bank, and someone else takes care of dealing with customers, buying and selling and so on, which has nothing to do with the riba-based transactions. In such cases, there is no blame on the one who deals with the company or plays any part in it. We have never disallowed this type of involvement before; rather we stated clearly that this is permissible 
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: 
It is permissible for a person to deal with someone who deals with riba, but his interactions with him are done in a sound manner. For example, it is permissible to buy goods from this man who deals in riba, and it is permissible to borrow money from him, and there is nothing wrong with that. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to interact with the Jews, even though they used to consume haraam wealth; he used to accept their gifts and invitations, and he bought and sold with them too. 
To sum up: if a person earns money from haraam sources but you deal with him in a permissible transaction, there is no blame on you for doing so.
End quote from Fataawa Noor ‘ala ad-Darb, 16/2 
See also the answers to questions no. 171145 and 11315 
And Allah knows best.

Question: যিনি এমন কোন প্রত্যয়নপত্র লিখেন যা দিয়ে সুদী ঋণ পাওয়া যায়,এমতাবস্থায়, প্রত্যয়নপত্র ইস্যুকারী ব্যক্তি গুনাহগার হবেন কি না?

59864: যিনি এমন কোন প্রত্যয়নপত্র লিখেন যা দিয়ে সুদী ঋণ পাওয়া যায়,এমতাবস্থায়, প্রত্যয়নপত্র ইস্যুকারী ব্যক্তি গুনাহগার হবেন কি না?

প্রশ্ন: জনৈক ব্যক্তি সরকারের অর্থ বিভাগে চাকুরী করেন। তাঁর দায়িত্ব হচ্ছে- কর্মকর্তা-কর্মচারীদের বেতন ও অন্যান্য আর্থিক প্রক্রিয়াগুলো সম্পাদন করা। এর মধ্যে রয়েছে কর্মকর্তা-কর্মচারীদের আবেদনের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে তাদেরকে স্ব স্ব বেতন সম্পর্কে একটি প্রত্যয়নপত্র প্রদান করা। তাদের কেউ কেউ এই প্রত্যয়নপত্রটি সুদী ব্যাংক থেকে ঋণ নিতে ব্যবহার করে থাকেন। এমতাবস্থায়, প্রত্যয়নপত্র ইস্যুকারী ব্যক্তি গুনাহগার হবেন কি না? উল্লেখ্য, এটা তার অফিসিয়াল দায়িত্ব।

সমস্ত প্রশংসা আল্লাহর জন্য।
 কর্মকর্তা-কর্মচারীদের আবেদনের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে বেতন-প্রত্যয়নপত্র  ইস্যু করতে দোষের কিছু নেই। তবে সে প্রত্যয়নপত্রটি যদি ঋণ পাওয়ার জন্য কোন সুদী ব্যাংককে সম্বোধন করে লেখা হয় তাহলে এ ধরনের প্রত্যয়নপত্র প্রদান করা জায়েয নেই। যেহেতু এটি আল্লাহর অবাধ্যতার ক্ষেত্রে সহযোগিতা করা; বরং একটি কবিরা গুনাহর কাজে সহযোগিতা করা। 
 ফতোয়া বিষয়ক স্থায়ী কমিটির সদস্যগণকে এমন একজন কর্মকর্তা সম্পর্কে প্রশ্ন করা হয়েছিল যিনি কোন একটি ইউনিভার্সিটির টাইট রাইটার হিসেবে কর্মরত আছেন বিধায় উক্ত ইউনিভার্সিটির কর্মকর্তা-কর্মচারীদের সুদী ব্যাংকে ঋণ প্রাপ্তির নিমিত্তে প্রদত্ত প্রত্যয়নপত্রগুলো টাইপ করেন থাকেন। তাঁর এ কাজটি কি জায়েয?
 জবাবে তাঁরা বলেন: এই প্রত্যয়নপত্র টাইপ করা ও প্রদান করা জায়েয নয়। যদি প্রত্যয়নপত্র ইস্যুকারী ও টাইপকারী জানেন যে, যার জন্য এ পত্রটি ইস্যু করা হচ্ছে তিনি সুদী লেনদেনের ক্ষেত্রে এই প্রত্যয়নপত্রটি ব্যবহার করবেন। যেহেতু এ বিষয়ে নবী সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লামের উদ্ধৃত হাদিসটির বিধান সাধারণ। তিনি সুদ গ্রহীতা, সুদদাতা, সুদের লেখক ও সাক্ষীদ্বয়কে লানত করেছেন। তিনি বলেছেন, তাদের সকলের পাপ সমান। [সহিহ মুসলিম] এবং যেহেতু এ বিষয়ে আল্লাহ তাআলার বাণীর বিধানও সাধারণ সৎকর্ম ও খোদাভীতিতে একে অন্যের সাহায্য কর। পাপ ও সীমালঙ্ঘনের ব্যাপারে একে অন্যের সহায়তা করো না। আল্লাহকে ভয় কর। নিশ্চয় আল্লাহ তাআলা কঠোর শাস্তিদাতা।[সূরা মায়েদা, আয়াত: ০২]
 আল্লাহই ভাল জানেন।  
link: http://islamqa.info/bn/85191

Question: working in the banks that deal with Riba /Interest/usury?

26771: Working in banks in an Islamic country

Is it permissible to work in the banks that exist in Islamic countries that deal with riba?
My husband works in one of the banks that deal with riba, and he works as a systems operator on programs that have to do with technological and information management. His main job is to ensure that all the computer systems are working correctly, and installing new systems, and assisting the bank employees.
I know that interest is haraam, and that it is a major sin, but I have heard many opinions about working in banks, one of which I have heard is that “if your work is not directly involved with interest, and the bank has other sources of income apart from interest, then it is permissible to work in the bank.
This is the only source of income that we have been living on up till now. I hope that you can tell us whether the income we have gotten from this job is haraam or not.
Praise be to Allaah.  
We ask Allaah to reward you with good for your keenness and efforts to find out the truth, and to help your husband to find permissible employment in which there is no sin. 
Note that it is not permissible to work in riba-based banks at all, because that involves consuming riba, or writing it down, or witnessing it, or helping those who do that. 
The major scholars have issued fatwas stating that working in riba-based banks is haraam, even if the job does not involve dealing with riba as such, e.g. guards, cleaners and other services. We will quote to you some of their fatwas, whilst also pointing out that your husband’s work is strongly connected to riba and to recording and documenting it, because as you say, his main job is to ensure that all the computer systems are working correctly, and installing new systems, and assisting the bank employees. 
It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 15/41: 
It is not permissible for a Muslim to work in a bank that deals with riba, even if the work that the Muslim does has nothing to do with riba, because he is giving the employees who do work with riba with what they need and he is helping them with their calculation of interest. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“but do not help one another in sin and transgression”
[al-Maa’idah 5:2] 
The Standing Committee (15/38) was asked: what is the ruling on working in the existing banks? 
They replied: 
Most of the transactions that are done nowadays involve riba, which is haraam according to the Qur’aan and Sunnah and the consensus of the ummah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ruled that whoever helps the one who consumes riba or pays it by writing it down for him or bearing witness to it, etc, is a partner of the one who consumes it and the one who pays it, and they are all cursed and expelled from the mercy of Allaah. In Saheeh Muslim and elsewhere it is narrated that Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba, the one who pays it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it, and he said, “They are all the same.”  
Those who work in banks are helping the owners of the banks by administering their operations, whether in writing or bearing witness, or transferring papers or handing over money, or doing other things that help those who deal in riba. Hence it is known that working in an existing bank is haraam. The Muslim should avoid that and should try to earn a living in a way that Allaah has permitted; and there are many such ways. He should fear Allaah his Lord, and not expose himself to the curse of Allaah and His Messenger. 
And the Standing Committee (15/55) was asked: 
(a)   Is working in banks, especially in Muslim countries, halaal or haraam?
(b)  Is there any specific section of the bank that is halaal, as many think, and if that is correct could you explain further? 
They replied: 
Firstly: working in banks that deal with riba is haraam, whether that is in a Muslim country or a kaafir country, because it involves cooperating in sin and transgression, which Allaah has forbidden as He says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“but do not help one another in sin and transgression”
[al-Maa’idah 5:2] 
Secondly: There is no section in the riba-based bank that is exempt from this ruling according to what we know of the pure sharee’ah, because all the bank employees are cooperating in sin and transgression. 
And the Standing Committee (15/18) was asked: 
What is the ruling on working as a maintenance engineer for one of the electronics companies that deal with some of the riba-based banks, where the company sells equipment (calculators, cameras, telephones) to the bank, and tells us, as maintenance engineers, to go to the bank to service this equipment on a regular basis?  Is this work haraam on the basis that the bank does its accounts and organizes its work on these machines, and are we thus helping them in sin? 
They replied: 
It is not permissible for you to work for companies that are as you described, because that involves cooperating in sin and transgression. 
And it says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (15/48): 
It is not permissible for a Muslim to work in banks that deal with riba, because that involves helping them to engage in riba-based transactions in one way or another, by writing them down, witnessing them, guarding the bank, etc. Helping them in that manner is cooperating in sin and transgression, which Allaah forbade when He said (interpretation of the meaning): 
“but do not help one another in sin and transgression”
[al-Maa’idah 5:2] 
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: is it permissible to work for a riba-based organization as a driver or guard? 
He replied: 
It is not permissible to work for a riba-based organization even if you are a driver or a guard, because accepting employment with a riba-based organization implies that you approve of them, as whoever denounces something could not work to serve its interests. If he works to serve its interests, he must approve of it, and the one who approves of something haraam has a share in its sin. With regard to those who are directly involved in writing down transactions, transferring money, depositing money, etc, are undoubtedly dealing directly with something that is haraam. It was proven from the hadeeth of Jabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba, the one who pays it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it, and he said, “They are all the same.” 
From Fataawa Islamiyyah, 2/401 
And there are other well-known fatwas which forbid working in riba-based banks, no matter what the kind of work involved. Based on this, your husband has to repent to Allaah from what he has done in the past, and leave this work, seeking the help of Allaah, putting his trust in Him and being certain that He will grant him provision. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
 “And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).
And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allaah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allaah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allaah has set a measure for all things”
[al-Talaaq 65:2-3] 
We ask Allaah to make us independent by means of that which is halaal so that we will have no need of that which is haraam.