সোমবার, ১৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১১



Y= Income                               Or

Disposable Income

Y= Income
R=Transfer Payments or Subsidy

GDP=Gross Domestic Product

Definition: GDP is the market value of all the final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period.

Market Value: the prices at which each item is traded in market.

Example: if the price of an apple is 10tk, the market value of 20 apple is 10×20=200tk

Final goods and services: A final good or service is an item that is bought by its final user during a specified time period.

Intermediate goods and services: An Intermediate good or service is an item that is produced by one firm, bought by another firm and used as a component of a final good or services.
Example: Computer-Final goods
                  Motherboard- Intermediate goods

Within a country: only goods and services that are produced within a country count as part of that country’s GDP.

In a given time period: GDP measures the value production in a given time period.
Such as:  Yearly-Annual GDP, Quarterly GDP.

GDP: Production of goods and services by Bangladeshi Residents in Bangladesh + Production of goods and services by Foreigner who lives in Bangladesh.

GNP=Gross National Product

Definition: GNP is the market value of all the final goods and services produced by the residents of a country both at home and abroad in a given time period.

GNP: Production of goods and services by Bangladeshi Residents in Bangladesh + Production of goods and services by Bangladeshi Residents in Abroad -Production of goods and services by Foreigner who lives in Bangladesh.

NDP (Net Domestic Product) at market prices: GDP-Depreciation

NNP (Net National Product) at market prices: GNP-Depreciation=National Income

Depreciation: is the decrease in the stock of capital that results from wear &tear and obsolescence, also called capital consumption.

NDP (Net Domestic Product) at factor cost: NDP-Net Indirect Taxes
Net Indirect Taxes=Subsidy-Indirect Taxes.

NNP (Net National Product) at factor cost: NNP- Net Indirect Taxes
=National Income at factor cost

Personal Income: Income+Transper payments

Personal Disposable Income: personal Income+Transper payments-personal taxes

Personal Income: National Income-social security contribution-corporate income taxes-undistributed profits Transfer payments

National Disposable Income: National Income-social security contribution-corporate income taxes-undistributed profits Transfer payments-personal taxes

Disposable Income: C+S

Measurement of National Income:

  1. Expenditure Approach
  2. Income approach
  3. Value added approach

  1. Expenditure Approach
GDP at market price

Y= Income/GDP
C=Personal Consumption Expenditure
I=Gross Private Investment
G=Government purchases of goods and services.

NDP (Net Domestic Product) at market prices: GDP-Depreciation

NDP mp =C+I+G+X-M-Depreciation

NDP (Net Domestic Product) at factor cost: NDP-Net Indirect Taxes
Net Indirect Taxes=Subsidy-Indirect Taxes.

NDP FC= C+I+G+X-M-Depreciation-Net Indirect Taxes

NNP (Net National Product) at market prices: GNP-Depreciation=National Income

NNP (Net National Product) at factor cost: NNP- Net Indirect Taxes
=National Income at factor cost

  1. Income approach

GDP at market price

GDP mp: Compensation of employees or wage +Net interest+ Rent +corporate profit+ proprietor’s income-indirect taxes+subsidy+depreciation

GDP FC: Compensation of employees or wage +Net interest+ Rent +corporate income tax+ undistributed profits+dividends-indirect taxes+subsidy+depreciation

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